A Real Success
Non native plants has proliferated in and around the natural habitats of Coimbatore. These invasive plants cause several negative impacts (such as affecting native biodiversity, causing degradation of native plants and harming human health). In order to suppress this impact we introduced a forest planting method called Miawalki. Miyawaki is a technique pioneered by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, that helps build dense, native forests. The approach is supposed to ensure that plant growth is 10 times faster and the resulting plantation is 30 times denser than usual. It involves planting dozens of native species in the same area, and becomes maintenance-free after the first three years. We have successfully created a Miawalki forest by planting 600 tree saplings in a private agricultural land at the outskirts of papampatti Coimbatore.
The idea of this project is that it becomes a self sustained forest after two years since the roof system inter twine. When rain falls they hold the rain water making them a self sustained forest which needs minimal care and maintenance.

Bringing back our Nature

Soil is exchavated for 3 feet covered with a layer of cow dung and mulch(organic matter)
Around 700 tree saplings were selected and categorized as:
1. Small(Shrubs and Creepers)
2. Medium and
3. Tall & Canopy trees
These were planted about 4 feet from each other with a combination of tall, medium and small saplings placed one after another.

All these saplings were maintained regularly by watering them on a regular basis. Weeds were taken out till the canopy trees reach certain height.